Episode 53

Why Every Entrepreneur Needs An Exit Strategy Ft. Pat Ennis

No matter how much you love and care about your business, you’re still going to exit at some point.

Episode Game Plan:

No matter how much you love and care about your business, you’re still going to exit at some point.

The business will either die, or it’s going to end up in someone else’s hands. Whether you decide to sell it, or you die.

The question is, how much do you want to control that? Because your business is your legacy.

In this episode, Pat Ennis and I discuss.

  1. The 8-Step process to making a clean exit from any business.
  2. How to set the groundwork for a potential exit when you’re starting a business.
  3. The #1 thing to make sure you have in order to create a business that’s 100% sellable.

Resources mentioned:

  1. Schedule a call with Pat
  2. ExitReadiness.com – Use the code “LURNDISCOUNT” at checkout for 90% off of Exit Readiness Academy
  3. Exit Readiness Bootcamp – Use code “lurndiscount” for 25% off

Important Resources!

  1. Join The #LurnNation: Get access to tons of FREE courses. Sign up today!
  2. Follow Anik: Stay connected to Anik and the team here at Lurn.
  3. Watch the Video Podcast: Watch the Video version of the podcast on Youtube!

Anik’s Notes:



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