Episode 92

How to build an amazing autonomous teams and build turn key cash flow business- Feat. Rinay and Shahzad

Featured Guest: Rinay and Shahzad

This episode is special to me because these guys blew me away with their character.

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Episode Game Plan:

This episode is special to me because these guys blew me away with their character.

A few episodes back…

I told a story of how I generated $212,000 in 2 weeks from an event. Well, I’ve finally invited the guys who created this event to the podcast.

In this episode, we discuss:

  1. The crazy story of how to were able to fill up the event with 206 people with NO ads.
  2. Why having a live event can work wonders for your business
  3. How to create an autonomous multi-million business by building a team of quality individuals.
  4. How they’ve built a successful Real Estate business

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  1. Join The #LurnNation: Get access to tons of FREE courses. Sign up today!
  2. Follow Anik: Stay connected to Anik and the team here at Lurn.
  3. Watch the Video Podcast: Watch the Video version of the podcast on Youtube!

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