Episode 196

The First Timer’s Guide To Selling $100,000 Of Information Online In 6 Months Or Less

I’m often asked, “Anik, what would you do if it was all taken away from you and you had to make it all back?” In today’s episode I’m going to answer that question by showing you how to sell $100,000 worth of information online as fast as possible, starting from scratch. “

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Episode Game Plan:

On this episode, you’re going to discover How To Sell $100,000 Worth of Information FAST.

I’ve been in the digital marketing space for over 18 years. And in that time, I’ve been blessed with a lot of experiences.

Some good, some bad, but they were ALL learning opportunities.

Over the years, I’ve taken my experience and taught over 250,000 students.

I’ve helped create multiple millionaires and I’m going to teach you exactly what I’ve taught them.

You’re going to dive into the world of information marketing:

  1. Selling courses
  2. Coaching
  3. Consulting
  4. Masterminds

Forbes estimates this industry at $1.7 trillion, and it’s only going to continue to get bigger.

Information marketing is how I’ve sold over $300 million on the internet.

All digital – with super high margins.

No stock, no inventory, NADA!

If I went broke tomorrow and all I had was my knowledge, these are the steps I’d take to build an information selling empire.

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