Episode 287

7 Apps I Use to Run My Business From My Phone!

Featured Guest: Anik Singal

On today’s solo episode of The Fighting Entrepreneur Anik lists the 7 apps he uses to run Lurn completely from his phone. He explains exactly how he communicates, manages projects, provides feedback, schedules his calendar, and works with clients all from his phone.

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Episode Game Plan:

On today’s solo episode of The Fighting Entrepreneur Anik lists the 7 apps he uses to run Lurn completely from his phone.

He explains exactly how he communicates, manages projects, provides feedback, schedules his calendar, and works with clients all from his phone.

With these apps, Anik went from using his computer 5 hours a day to just 3 hours per WEEK!

Listen to today’s episode to find out exactly how Anik does it…

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