Episode 50

10 Legal Things Every Entrepreneur Needs To Stay Out of Trouble!

Most Entrepreneurs overlook the legal aspects of their business, but I can’t stress enoug…

Episode Game Plan:

Most Entrepreneurs overlook the legal aspects of their business, but I can’t stress enough how big of a risk you’re taking by not getting this part in place before and after you launch your business.

My personal Attorney, Michael Carrigan, who also happens to represent ClickBank, talks about how to protect yourself and your business from legal troubles and stay on the right side of the IRS.

Michael’s Bio: https://www.hollandhart.com/mcarrigan

Over the course of 90 minutes, Michael and I discussed:

  1. The 10 points every Entrepreneur must prioritize to keep their business in good standing with the law.
  2. How to build a wall to protect your personal assets from your business.
  3. How to leverage your business for some amazing tax benefits. And much more!

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  2. Follow Anik: Stay connected to Anik and the team here at Lurn.
  3. Watch the Video Podcast: Watch the Video version of the podcast on Youtube!

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