Episode 251

Why I’m Focusing On FREE Traffic In 2022

Featured Guest: Anik Singal

Join Anik Singal on this week’s episode and discover why free traffic is his & Lurn’s primary focus in the coming months.

Paid traffic is still great. But it’s not enough anymore. And it’s getting harder and more expensive.

That’s why new courses and experts who teach free traffic methods are where it’s at right now.

Jump into today’s episode to find out more.

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Episode Game Plan:

Join Anik Singal on this week’s episode and discover why he’s finally putting more time and effort into free traffic.

Look, Lurn’s business is driven by paid traffic. But it’s become a bit of a crutch…

And as costs have soared, it’s harder and harder to be profitable without a perfect funnel.

That’s why it’s time to pivot and bring free traffic sources into the mix.

You’ll hear…

  • Just how much revenue Anik thinks he’s leaving on the table each month by ignoring free traffic…
  • The one aspect of running an online business that’s both a blessing & a curse…
  • The moves Lurn is taking right now – including for our students – and what’s coming next…

Join Anik and to dive more into it’s finally time to pay attention to more free traffic. Then jump into the comments and let us know your thoughts.

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